There are Reasons Noah Packed No Clothes by Robert Jacoby: A Review

ThereareReasonsNoahPackedNoClothes  5 Stars

recommended for anyone interested in the human psyche

A disturbing moving read that leaves you thinking and wondering …

This is the story of Richard, a 19 year old who struggles with life and seeks death. He has tried to kill himself 4 times before and on his 5th attempt he nearly succeeds but doesn’t. He is sent to a psychiatric institution where maybe he can find a piece of himself that will make him want to survive.

This is a look at the not so normal from a not so normal point of view. What is real; what is not real? It’s a wonderful retelling of One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest and A Beautiful Mind mixed together. It is the story of one person’s struggle to fit in somewhere, anywhere.

I laughed, I wondered, I scratched my head, I left the last page feeling unfilled and hours later realized this is the way life and this book are … We only ever get snippets and peeks of events and people. We never have answers, only what we mold to fit our questions. Madness is in demanding closure.

This book will not give you any answers. It does not have a neat, tied up with a bow, hollywood ending; it will leave you thinking…or maybe it won’t leave you…

Read it. Dare to be disturbed. Take a walk into the unknown. 5 stars. 

About the Author:

Robert Jacoby is a poet, novelist, memoirist, and diarist. His poetry has appeared in more than a dozen literary magazines, most recently The 2River View, Sleet Magazine, and Slow Trains. He is the author of two books, a novel, There are Reasons Noah Packed No Clothes (2012), and a memoir (by interview),Escaping from Reality Without Really Trying: 40 Years of High Seas Travels and Lowbrow Tales

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